Uninstalling CORE Antivirus is done through its own uninstallation program.
Please follow the steps below to uninstall CORE Antivirus:
Note: You can press also key Windows and X then choose Apps and Features and then follow the steps 3 to 5.
For Windows 10
- Open the Control Panel by clicking the Start button on your taskbar and then click on the icon with a wheel.
- Next, go to the “Apps” -> “Apps and Features”.
- On the page, select CORE Antivirus and click on Uninstall button.
- Click the Yes button when prompted to uninstall the program.
- Restart the computer
For Windows 11
Windows 11 provides an easy way to uninstall programs. To get started and uninstall CORE Antivirus click follow these steps.
- Press Windows + I to open Windows Settings. Alternatively, click the Start button and select “Settings” from the list.
- In the Setting window, click Apps from the left pane > select Apps & Features.
- In the Apps & features window, look for the CORE Antivirus. Click the dots next to it and select Uninstall from the context menu.
- When asked for confirmation, click Uninstall. The selected program will now be uninstalled from Windows 11.
- Restart the computer.